Avocado Sundae - Other Side Of The Sun

Avocado Sundae - Plant Life

Messy Kitchen
Avocado Sundae is a California Jamband that has been together for a long time. The rhythmic bond they have has been forged from years of musical exploration, and their rootsy, funky songs are woven with acid laced improv jams that take the band on extended groove missions deep into the heart of Funkville. Influenced by the likes of The Grateful Dead, The Meters, and James Brown, it really all starts with drummer Neil Gegna. His beats lock in like the Death Star’s tractor beam, and lay a rock solid groove that bassist Tim Baker uses to definitively plant the 1. This foundation allows Pete Delaney and Rich Mahan’s guitars to syncopate freely with and against the rhythm section to create trance-like polyrhythmic grooves. Hammond B3 organist Bill Burke then lays thick 70’s shag carpet (multi-colored of course) over the music that is soft when it needs to be, and screaming when it has to be.
Wear comfortable shoes.